You probably do not remember me, but I am Duck’s first cousin. I am the daughter of Morg and Louise Smith. (Mom was Duck’s Aunt) We lived the last house in Dismal Branch where your Granny Mabra lived. I was so broken hearted when I heard the news – I just thought the world of Duck!! God blessed you with a wonderful Dad!! I remember when him and your mom would bring you, Lance, and Brian home to KY they would always come to our house to show you kids off. They were both so very proud of all three of you. He always told Mom he named you Angel because you were his little Angel. I know it hurts so deeply to lose a parent – I have lost both of mine now, but please look to God for all your answers. He can and will ease your pain. Duck was a great person and I loved him very much. Again, I would just like to express how very sorry I am to hear this news. With Deep Sympathy, Becky Smith Patrick, Hindman, KY