Hey Big guy, just a note to say what it meant to know you…you were nothing like I thought you would be like…You looked like such a big gruf grizley bear and your turned out be a big teddy bear…I loved the drives with you showing me all the barns and houses you and your Son painted and trees you trimmed..I really enjoyed the last few days watching the news and trying to fiqure out how the country could survive. Joe, knowing that Jesus Christ is your redeemer and hope, and mine, makes this a celebration. I will cry many tears with Gina saying goodby to you but I will sing more praises and smile bigger smiles and laugh louder and thank God the Father all the more for knowing you are with The Chrsit now and forever and we see you again soon when He comes to get His own…God Bless, Big guy,you mabe life better by knowing you. Love you and see you soon…dan